Wall Insulation

Wall Insulation

Your home almost certainly has wall insulation, but is it enough? Insufficient or improperly installed wall insulation can lead to air leaks, making your home too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter. This problem can also lead to increased utility bills as your HVAC system works harder to compensate for the poor insulation.

We have the proper techniques to insulate finished walls

It’s tricky to insulate finished walls because it’s more difficult to get insulation inside the wall, in the cavities between studs. Walls are easy to insulate when the studs are still visible, before wallboard or other finished wall material is installed.

We access wall cavities from the exterior by removing your shingles or siding and drilling holes in the areas where the insulation will be installed. Once we have access, we will blow dense packed insulation into the wall, continuously adjusting the hose to ensure that the space is completely filled with insulation.
A room with pink walls and windows in it

Benefits to insulating walls

Sound Absorbency: Insulating interior walls helps reduce sound transmission throughout your home. Insulation muffles television noise from room to room and helps soften the sound of running water, washing machines, and plumbing fixtures that can disrupt a peaceful environment.

Efficient Heating & Cooling: Heating and cooling is responsible for nearly half of the energy used in the average home. Interior wall insulation can help lower your energy bills. In winter, insulated walls will hold the heat in and prevent warmth from escaping. In summer, it will reduce the heat coming through the walls and retain the coolness inside the home.